Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to "My Free HVAC Leads" Marketing System!
    • Welcome to: My FREE HVAC Leads Marketing System!
    • Group Support
  • 2
    Group Values, Personality & Culture
    • Company & Group Values, Culture & Personality
  • 3
    Organization with Growth & Scalability in Mind!
    • More Customers, More Sales, More Stress?
  • 4
    Session 1 Group Avatar, Culture, and Name
    • Group Avatar, Culture and Name
  • 5
    Session 2 Facebook Banner and Group Creation
    • Your Facebook Group Banner must "Say it all!"
    • How to Set-up Your Facebook Group (Basic steps)
    • Sample "About" Text
    • Group Questions and Rules
  • 6
    Session 3 Review Group Set-up. Cover Content types. Create basic content creation.
    • Review Group Set-up, Cover Content types, & Create basic content developement
    • Add an Invitation to your FB Group within your email Signature Line
  • 7
    Session 4 Officially “launch” your FB Group to the public & promoting your FB Group.
    • LIVE Recording: Officially “launch” your group to the public, promote your Group, and join other Peer Groups for support.
    • Capture Email Addresses
  • 8
    Session 5 Creating your Local Network of CSPs!
    • Complementary Service Providers
    • Sample Video for CSPs